Bonus Episode: ASCRS 2021 Annual Meeting | ASCRS
Ophthalmology Quicksand Chronicles

Bonus Episode: ASCRS 2021 Annual Meeting

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Watch this live session that took place at the 2021 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. The first part of this session features 3 KOL’s from our industry partners, BVI, Zeiss and MST. Hosts, Dr. Fram and Dr. Yeu engages in discussion with these opinion leaders who discuss how their technology can help surgeons get out of their own “quicksand moments.” The second part of this session features, Dr. Nandini Venkateswaran from Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Dr. Venkateswaran showcases her first ever Cataract surgery + DMEK combo case in her first year of practice. This seemingly straightforward case was much more circuitous than she had imagined. Watch now to see the lessons that Dr. Venkateswaran learned along the way and how this quicksand moment case helped her evolve.