Ophthalmology Quicksand Chronicles Season 2, Episode #5 | ASCRS
Ophthalmology Quicksand Chronicles

EPISODE # 5 | DAVID CHANG: Minimize the Moving Lens!

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Watch this final episode of Ophthalmology Quicksand Chronicles Season 2, where our hosts are joined by David Chang, MD. Dr. Chang is recognized as one of the top cataract surgeons in the world. As an internationally recognized cataract expert, Dr. Chang regularly lectures on cataract surgery to other surgeons in the US and abroad. Dr. Chang has received multiple awards in addition to serving on various executive boards, including ASCRS and AAO.

In this episode, Dr. Chang showcases a few different quicksand moments revolving around the management of loose lenses. Dr. Chang shares invaluable steps and pearls to successfully complete these cases without complex suture fixation techniques or sutured capsular tension devices. Join us as Dr. Chang masterfully navigates the difficulties of generalized zonulopathy cases, including rhexis creation, lens disassembly and ideal IOL management.

Johnson & Johnson VisionThank you to our episode sponsor, Johnson & Johnson Vision.