Papers | ASCRS
April 22-26, 2022   |   Washington, DC


ASCRS On Demand: Papers

The latest in ophthalmic research and technology

Registered physicians have access to almost 700 scientific papers presented at the meeting. Papers are arranged into sessions based on one of more than 35 clinical categories and will include up to 15 paper presentations based on accepted abstracts.

  • Presented papers are provided in video format.
  • Presentations will be posted on Monday, May 2, 2022, at 12 p.m. ET and will be exclusively available to physician registrants for one year.
  • Login and physician meeting registration required to view on-demand sessions.

Browse all paper sessions below to begin viewing ASCRS papers.

Paper Sessions
All Paper Sessions
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
Preoperative Tests and IOL Power Calculations
Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)
Refractive Outcomes II
Cataract Surgery - Techniques II
SPS-107 Presbyopia Correction- Outcomes/Comparisons
SPS-108 Collagen Crosslinking
IOL Design and Characteristics
Cornea Procedures and Outcomes- DMEK
Cornea Diagnostics and Studies
Cataract Surgery- Techniques
IOLs- Monofocal
Preoperative Tests and IOL Power Calculations II
Surgical Outcomes II
Surgical Comparisons
Refractive Procedures- PRK, LASIK, SMILE, Phakic IOLs, Inlays, Rings
Cornea Procedures and Outcomes
Ocular Surface Disease II
Surgical Planning
Cataract IOLs- Monofocal/Extended Depth of Focus
Challenging Cases
Medications (Preoperative, Postoperative, Intraoperative)
Surgical Outcomes
Keratoconus II
Cataract Surgery - Techniques III
Post-Refractive IOL Calculations
Glaucoma- Procedures
Cataract IOLs - Other
Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) III
Surgical Outcomes III
Devices and Instruments
Glaucoma- Surgical Outcomes/Comparisons
Ocular Surface Disease
Astigmatism Management and Toric IOL Alignment
Refractive Comparisons
Presbyopia Correcting IOLs- Trifocal IOLs
Refractive Outcomes
Cornea Procedures and Outcomes II
Cornea Diagnostics and Studies II
Cataract IOLs- Small Aperture/Pinhole and Other
Cornea Infectious Disease
Refractive Complications
IOLs- Trifocal
Presbyopia Correcting IOLs- Extended Depth of Focus/Extended Range of Vision IOLs
Presbyopia Correction: New Treatments and Studies
Cataract - Miscellaneous
Ocular Surface Disease III
SPS-403 Ocular Surface Disease IV
Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) II
2022 Best Papers of Session (BPOS) Winners

Session Winning Paper Title Presenter Co-Authors
SPS-101 Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery Outcomes of Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Patients with Prior Glaucoma. Andrea K. Montero, MD Gabriela M Avila, MD
SPS-102 Preoperative Tests and IOL Power Calculations Accuracy of Modern IOL Formulas in Keratoconus Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery Allison J Chen, MD, MPH Manasi Joshi, BA, Li Wang, MD, PhD, Mitchell P. Weikert, MD, ABO, Douglas D. Koch, MD, Sumitra S. Khandelwal, MD, ABO
SPS-103 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) IOP Fluctuations and Visual Field Status: Fluctuation Suppression with Combined Canaloplasty and Trabeculotomy in Open-Angle Glaucoma Mark F. Pyfer, MD, FACS Brandon J. Baartman, MD, Inder P. Singh, MD
SPS-104 Keratoconus Validation of a Portable Keratoscope in Detection of Early Keratoconus Kanika Agarwal, MD Jennifer J. Yong, MD, ABO, Joshua A. Young, MD, ABO, Emma N Young, Kathryn M. Hatch, MD, ABO
SPS-105 Refractive Outcomes II Technique and Clinical Outcomes of Customized Femtolasik for the Correction of High Hyperopia Damien Gatinel, MD, PhD Imene Salah, PhD, MSc
SPS-106 Cataract Surgery - Techniques II Evaluation of Subjective and Objective Visual Quality Results with a Small-Aperture Intraocular Lens Karl G. Stonecipher, MD, ABO
SPS-107 Presbyopia Correction- Outcomes/Comparisons Optical-Quality Assessment of Three Extended-Depth-of-Focus IOLs and a Monofocal Model in Polychromatic Light Grzegorz Labuz, PhD Isabella D. Baur, MD, Gerd U. Auffarth, MD, PhD, Ramin Khoramnia, MD
SPS-108 Collagen Crosslinking A Next Generation Crosslinking Calculator for Titration of Ultraviolet Energy (NXT-UVA) in Thin Keratoconic Cornea Sailie U Shirodkar, MBBS, MS Rohit Shetty, FRCS, Abhijit S. Roy, PhD, Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD, Sharon Dsouza, MS
SPS-109 IOL Design and Characteristics Physicochemical Evaluation of a New Foldable IOL Made from Cross-Linked Polyisobutylene (xPIB) Len Pinchuk, PhD Li Zhang, MSc, Wentao Li, MSc
SPS-110 Cornea Procedures and Outcomes- DMEK Just Scroll with It: A Modified Graft Preparation Technique to Safely Promote a Double Scroll Kelly Odell, BSc Tucker Hikes, BA, Kaden Can, Peter B. Veldman, MD, ABO, Mark A. Terry, MD, Khoa D. Tran, PhD, Megan M Straiko, PhD
SPS-111 Cornea Diagnostics and Studies Low-Cost, Smartphone-Based Specular Imaging and Automated Analysis of the Corneal Endothelium Madhu Uddaraju, MS
SPS-112 Cataract Surgery- Techniques The Effect of Longitudinal and Torsional Ultrasound on Corneal Endothelium Cells-an Experimental Study in Rabbit Eyes. Emilie L. Ungricht, BEng Catherine J. Culp, MD, Phillip Qu, MD, Nick Mamalis, MD, Randall J. Olson, MD, ABO, Liliana Werner, MD, PhD
SPS-113 IOLs- Monofocal Randomized Bilateral-Eye Comparison of Clinical Outcomes between Two Novel Preloaded Hydrophobic Aspheric Monofocal Intraocular Lenses Mitchell C. Shultz, MD, ABO Abraham S Chorbajian, BSc
SPS-114 Preoperative Tests and IOL Power Calculations II New Software Program to Improve Biometry Measurements Obtained By an Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry (OLCR) Biometer Raj P. Patel, BSc Michael T Heath, BSc, David Murphy, MD, David L. Cooke, MD, Kamran M. Riaz, MD
SPS-115 Surgical Outcomes II Performance Comparative of New Monofocal IOL with Enhanced Features for Intermediate Vision to Current Standard Monofocal Lens Steven J. Dell, MD David Teenan, FRCOphth, FRCSEd, Jan A. Venter, MD, Stephen J. Hannan, OD
SPS-201 Surgical Comparisons An OCT Based Grading System for Cataract Surgery Incision Architecture Ben R. LaHood, FRANZCO, BM BCh
SPS-202 Pediatric Five-Year Postoperative Outcomes of IOL Implantation in-the-Bag vs. Optic Capture in Children ≤ 4 years of Age: Randomized, Clinical Trial Vaishali Vasavada, MS Abhay R. Vasavada, MS, FRCS, Deepa R. Agarwal, MD, Shail A. Vasavada, DNB, FRCS, Viraj A. Vasavada, MS, Vandana Nath, MS, DO
SPS-203 Refractive Procedures- PRK, LASIK, SMILE, Phakic IOLs, Inlays, Rings Bowman’s Membrane Relaxation for Femtosecond Intrastromal Lenticule Implantation (FILI) Enhancement Supriya S. Sri Ganesh, MBBS, MS Sri Ganesh, FRCS, MS, DNB, Sheetal Brar, MS
SPS-204 Cornea Procedures and Outcomes Trans-PRK in Keratoconus for High Orden Aberrations with Ablation Decentration in Coma Axis Luis jr Izquierdo, MD Isabel C Gomez, MD, Paola Mercardo, Josefina A. Mejias Smith, MSc, Robin M Sánchez García Jr., M.Ed, CMP, Maria A Henriquez, MD
SPS-205 Ocular Surface Disease II Proposed Mechanisms of Topical Spironolactone Ophthalmic Solution in the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease Annie A. Yang, BA Xiaowen Lu, PhD, Mitchell A. Watsky, PhD, Richard W. Yee, MD
SPS-206 Surgical Planning Novel Optical OCT to Study Collagen Structure in Suspect Versus Normal and Keratoconus Corneas . Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD Abhijit S. Roy, PhD, Rahul P. Patil, Raghav Narasimhan, Yash G. Patel
SPS-207 Non-clinical Evaluation of the Virtual Introductory Student Course in Ophthalmology: Online Structured Educational Program for Medical Students Amirthan Sothivannan Clara Long, BSc, Emre M Islam, BSc, Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen, Michael Nguyen Nguyen, MD, Amandeep S. Rai, MD, Sherif El-Defrawy, FRCSC, PhD, Jonathan Micieli, MD, FACS
SPS-208 Cataract IOLs- Monofocal/Extended Depth of Focus Clinical Outcomes after Pure Monofocal Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens Implantation in Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Defect Patients Hungwon Tchah, MD, PhD Koeun Lee, MD, Joon Hyuck Jang, MD, Sanghyu Nam, MD, Jungyeob Han, MD, Su Young Moon, MD, Hun Lee, MD, PhD, Jae Yong Kim, MD, PhD
SPS-209 Challenging Cases Phacoemulsification in 325 Consecutive Eyes with Cataract Blindness: Novel Surgical Classification and Techniques Katherine S. Peters, MD C. Ellis Wisely, MD, ABO, Terry Kim, MD, ABO, K. Alex Dastgheib, MD, ABO
SPS-210 Medications (Preoperative, Postoperative, Intraoperative) Pain Perception in Same-Day Bilateral Lens Extraction Under Topical Anesthesia with Oral Sedation Larissa Gouvea, MD Michael Mimouni, MD, Tanya Trinh, FRANZCO, MBBS, Nizar Din, FRCOphth, Sara M. AlShaker, MD, FRCSC, Eyal Cohen, MD, David S. Rootman, MD, FRCS
SPS-211 Surgical Outcomes Achieving Multifocality with a Piggy-Back Trifocal Sulcoflex IOL Implant after Epiretinal Membrane Removal Guadalupe Cervantes-Coste, MD Oscar S. Asís Sr., MD, Fernando L. Soler-Ferrandez, MD, Mariana Osorio-Lopez, MD
SPS-212 - Keratoconus II Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Predicting Keratoconus (KC) Demographics – a Novel Insight  Priyanka Sathe Inamdar, MS Divya Trivedi, MBBS, MS, Rohit Shetty, FRCS, Gairik Kundu, MD, Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD
SPS-213 - Cataract Surgery - Techniques III Evaluating Influence of Corneal Astigmatism on Visual Performance of Patients Treated with a Small-Aperture IOL Elizabeth Yeu, MD
SPS-214 - Post-Refractive IOL Calculations Corneal Curvature Ratio to Improve IOL Calculation Accuracy Post Laser Vision Correction Ben R. LaHood, FRANZCO, BM BCh Michael Goggin, FRANZCO, FRCSI, FRCOphth, MS, Douglas D. Koch, MD, Li Wang, MD, PhD
SPS-215 Glaucoma- Procedures Randomized, Multicenter, 12-Month Evaluation of Effectiveness and Safety of the Gel Stent Vs Trabeculectomy: The Gold Standard Pathway Study Arsham Sheybani, MD, ABO Mark J. Gallardo, MD, Vanessa Vera, MD, Sahar Bedrood, MD, PhD, ABO, Gagan K Sawhney, MD, Susan Simonyi, BSc, Scott Piette, DO
SPS-216 Cataract IOLs - Other Distribution of Angle Alpha and Angle Kappa in a Population of Adult Candidates for Cataract Surgery Gil Neuman, MD Adi Abulafia, MD, Lauren M. Wasser, MD, David Zadok, MD
SPS-217 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) III Various Micropulse TLT Power and Dwell Times and Its Effect on IOP in Glaucoma Patients with Mild, Moderate and Severely Elevated IOP Claudia E. Cullinan, BSc Nir Shoham-Hazon, MD
SPS-218 Surgical Outcomes III Acrylic-Acrylic Piggyback IOL Implantation during Cataract Surgery: Visual Outcomes, Refractive Error, and IOL Status Arjan Hura, MD Kathleen J Jee, MD, William F. Wiley, MD, Ashraf F Ahmad, MD
SPS-301 Devices and Instruments Sewing Needle Microcapsulotomy New Technique to Avert Argentinian Flag Sign in Intumescent Pearly White Cataract Rajendra Prasad, MD, MBBS
SPS-302 Glaucoma- Surgical Outcomes/Comparisons Glaucoma Filtering Surgery Comparison: SIBS and Gelatin Microshunts vs. Trabeculectomy James J Armstrong, MD, PhD Tarek A Bin Yameen, MD, Lotte M. Scheres, MD, Paola Marolo, MD, Eunice Shi Chieh Chew, BSc, Sophie Lemmens, MD, PhD, Henny J Beckers, MD, PhD, Antonio M Fea, MD, Juan F. Batlle Sr., MD, Ingeborg Stalmans, MD, PhD, Chelvin Sng, FRCSEd, Matthew B. Schlenker, MD, FRCSC, Iqbal Ike Ahmed, MD, FRCSC, ABO
SPS-303 Ocular Surface Disease Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia: Changes in the Standard of Care from 2005 to 2021 Jason A. Greenfield, BA Anat Galor, MD, MPH, James Chodosh, MD, MPH, ABO, Donald U. Stone, MD, ABO, Carol L. Karp, MD, ABO
SPS-304 Astigmatism Management and Toric IOL Alignment Residual Astigmatism of Toric Intraocular Lenses Compared between Intraocular Aberrometry or Iris Registration Femto Laser Toric Marks. Peter J. Cornell, MD, ABO
SPS-305 Refractive Comparisons Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Driven Pathfinder in Refractive Surgery Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD Rohit Shetty, FRCS, Abhijit S. Roy, PhD, Francis Mathew, MS
SPS-306 Retina Vitrectomy Improves Contrast Sensitivity Function in Multifocal Pseudophakia J. Sebag, MD, FACS Justin Nguyen, BSc
SPS-307 Presbyopia Correcting IOLs- Trifocal IOLs Refractive Outcomes Following Implantation of a Single-Piece Diffractive Trifocal IOL in Post-Myopic LASIK/PRK Eyes Brad Hall, PhD John F. Blaylock, MD
SPS-308 Refractive Outcomes Long-Term Visual Outcome of Post-LASIK Patients That Developed Sjögren Syndrome Luis A Rodriguez Jr., MD Irving A Domínguez, MD, Alejandro Rodriguez, MD
SPS-309 Cornea Procedures and Outcomes II A Novel Artificial Corneal Endothelial Implant: An Update on the Results of the Dutch Cohort in the First in Human Study Ruth Lapid-Gortzak, MD, PhD Ivanka J. van der Meulen, MD, PhD
SPS-310 Cornea Diagnostics and Studies II Age Related Variation in Corneal Biomechanics in Healthy Subjects Maria A Henriquez, MD Karina V. Chocce, MD, Fabiola P Quezada, MD, Rolando P Rojas, MSc, Jose Chauca, MSc, Luis jr Izquierdo, MD
SPS-311 Cataract IOLs- Small Aperture/Pinhole and Other Bilateral Implantation of a Supplementary Intraocular Pinhole for Irregular Corneal Astigmatism Bruno C. Trindade, MD, PhD Claudio C. Trindade, MD, PhD, Fernando C. Trindade, MD, PhD
SPS-312 Cornea Infectious Disease Clinical and Surgical Outcomes of Keratoplasty in Individuals That Received Rose Bengal Photodynamic Antimicrobial Therapy. Paula A Sepulveda-Beltran, MD Harry Levine, BA, BSc, Diego Altamirano, MD, Heather A. Durkee, PhD, Roger M. Leblanc, PhD, Darlene Miller, PhD, CIC, Jean-Marie A. Parel, PhD, Guillermo Amescua, MD
SPS-313 Refractive Complications Experience with the Analysis and Management of Rainbow Glare after Femtolasik Damien Gatinel, MD, PhD Sina Elahi, MD, François-Xavier Crahay, MD
SPS-314 IOLs- Trifocal Using Adaptive Optics, Assess Impact of Astigmatism, Spherical Aberration, and Coma on Vision in Eyes with Trifocal IOLs Karim Kozhaya, MD Li Wang, MD, PhD, Mitchell P. Weikert, MD, ABO, Douglas D. Koch, MD
SPS-315 Presbyopia Correcting IOLs- Extended Depth of Focus/Extended Range of Vision IOLs Patient Reported Quality of Vision of a Non-Diffractive Extended Vision IOL and a Diffractive Edof IOL after Bilateral Implantation. Marius A Scheepers, BM BCh, MRCOphth, MM, FRCSC
SPS-316 Presbyopia Correction: New Treatments and Studies Development of a Presbyopia Progression Classification System AnnMarie Hipsley, PhD George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, Karolinne M. Rocha, MD, PhD, ABO
SPS-401 Cataract - Miscellaneous Biomechanical Study of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Versus Polypropylene Sutures in Scleral Fixation Roberto Pineda, MD, ABO Amy E. Yuan, MD, Kevin K. Ma, MD
SPS-402 Ocular Surface Disease III Personalized Ocular Surface Management Using Bio Marker Pathfinder Kit  Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD Rohit Shetty, FRCS, Arkasubhra Ghosh, PhD, Swaminathan Sethu, PhD
SPS-403 Ocular Surface Disease IV Redefining Neuropathic Pain: Confocal and Molecular Signatures Bhavya Gorimanipalli, MBBS, MD Rohit Shetty, FRCS, Swaminathan Sethu, PhD, Arkasubhra Ghosh, PhD, Pooja Khamar, MD, PhD, Sharon D'Souza, MS, Gairik Kundu, MD, Archana P Nair, MSc
SPS-404 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) II Real World Experience and Outcomes with Sustained Release Bimatoprost Implant Evan S. Meyer, BA Russell Swan, MD, Brandon J. Baartman, MD, Daniel C. Terveen, MD, John P. Berdahl, MD, Deborah G Ristvedt, DO, ABO, Brian M Shafer, MD, Caroline W. Wilson, MD, Michael D. Greenwood, MD