IC-104 Iris-Suturing Techniques | ASCRS
IC-104 Iris-Suturing Techniques
April 2022
Meeting: 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting
Course Instructor: Steven B. Siepser, MD, FACS
Co-Instructors: Brandon D. Ayres, MD, ABO, Beeran Meghpara, MD, ABO, Zeba A. Syed, MD, ABO
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Course Description
Course will present stretching, suturing, transecting, mechanical cutting, cauterizing, and repairing of formerly “untouchable” iris defects and anomalies. Maneuvers to aid in the use of the iris to stabilize implantable devices will also be discussed. The instructional format will provide advanced surgeons with pearls while acting as a prerequisite to practical Iris Suture skills transfer lab. (Separate registration required for skills lab.)

Educational Objective
Learn iris suture skills to improve the management of surgical complications.

2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting Instructional Courses

This 1.5 hour Instructional Course was recorded at the 2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on April 22-25.